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Week 13

How Skin Mirrors Digestive Health

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Written by AskUs
Updated over 4 years ago

How Skin Mirrors Digestive Health 

Face it, your outer appearance reflects your internal health.  Glowing, blemish-free skin is one of the many benefits of having a healthy lifestyle.

Blood that’s supplied with the right nutrients replenishes every cell in your body, which is mirrored in each pore. Achieving this is no easy task in today’s toxic-filled world.  Optimizing your nutrient intake by cleansing dangerous substances from your body creates a stable environment allowing for radiant skin.

The carotenoid pigments your body absorbs from vegetables are crucial. These plant pigments are powerful antioxidants that soak up toxic compounds produced when your body combats diseases. They are also important for your immune and reproductive systems and may even help prevent cancer.

There are six main organs that are responsible for how the skin appears:

  1. Kidneys

  2. Liver

  3. Adrenal

  4. Thyroid

  5. Large Intestines

  6. Small Intestines

The liver and kidneys filter out any toxic impurities within your body.  Keep in mind that if you’re consuming processed foods, you can overwork these organs and they can become less efficient

The small adrenal glands are located on top of your kidneys.  Although they are small in size, they’re often called the “workhorses” of your body because they make so many essential hormones including pregnenolone, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Healthy hormones are an essential part of having beautiful skin.  A well-nourished thyroid produces important hormones and works closely with the adrenals to create energy.  Dry or flaky skin is evidence of a weak thyroid.

Your liver, kidneys, adrenals and thyroid are all dependent on the condition of your small and large intestines.  These two organs not only provide nutrients to the other organs, but they also remove the waste products from your body.  When waste that should have been disposed remains in your intestines, your skin becomes more thick and oily, which lead to blemishes. Clear skin is a reflection of clean intestines.

The following items should be avoided if you want clearer, healthier skin:

  • Drugs and alcohol

  • Chemicals and heavy metals

  • Trans fat

  • Processed foods

  • Pasteurized dairy products

Instead of consuming these harmful and toxic items, we recommend substituting them for foods rich in minerals and antioxidants that promote healthy organ function.  Some examples include dark green leafy veggies and seafood.  By keeping your insides healthy and clean, your skin will have no choice but to follow its lead.

In addition, maintaining a healthy diet and effectively coping with stress will also help you achieve glowing, youthful skin.  Supporting research shows how people deal with stress has a greater impact on your appearance than genetic makeup.

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