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Day 10

Listening to Your Gut: The Facts on Food Sensitivities

Logan Cable avatar
Written by Logan Cable
Updated over 3 years ago

Most of our gut’s interaction with the outside world comes from the food and drinks we ingest.

Our digestive system’s main role is breaking food down into the nutrients necessary for healthy functioning.

But there are times when the food we take in for fuel causes unintended effects in our body. These reactions are known as “food sensitivities”.

The primary theory of food sensitivities is they are caused by tiny immune system reactions within the gut.

These aren’t the big, overwhelming kind of immune reactions associated with an allergy, but reactions that take place at a cellular level.

Cells in our gut reaction to certain molecular structures in foods and release chemicals that cause inflammation. If food is eaten in small amounts or infrequently, we may not experience any noticeable effects from these reactions.

However, if these foods are eaten regularly, these tiny inflammatory reactions and the chemicals they produce build up and can cause chronic effects in other parts of our body.

These effects can be far-ranging and affect virtually any part of our health.

While many food sensitivities can cause obvious effects like stomach pain or other digestive issues, they can also cause eczema or skin rashes, chronic joint pain, fatigue, and even “brain fog”.

Unfortunately, there aren’t medications for the treatment of food sensitivities.

The best approach to treating food sensitivity is an elimination and reintroduction diet.

This involves removing foods that you might be sensitive to (a "trigger" food), then reintroducing them individually.

When food is reintroduced, and you experience a return of symptoms, we can identify it as a trigger food. Identifying food sensitivities can be tough, though.

Here is where Betr Health is designed to help you achieve long-term success.

Betr can help you design healthy and satisfying nutritional habits while identifying and eliminating trigger foods, leading to improved overall health and quality of life.

With the support of Betr, you can overcome them and find relief from symptoms you may never have associated with your diet!

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