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Written by Logan Cable
Updated over a week ago

Healthy Eating Guidelines

Eating healthy is a key factor in achieving and maintaining overall well-being. Making small, sustainable changes to your diet can have a huge impact on your overall health in the long term. Eating healthy doesn't mean giving up your favorite foods - rather it involves making small, mindful changes to what you eat on a regular basis.

At Betr Health, we recommend following our healthy eating guidelines to maximize the health benefits of your diet. Our guidelines for a balanced diet are broken down into 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Plate Size and Proportion

In order to get the most health benefits from your diet, it is important to focus on eating the right proportions of each nutrient group. It is recommended that you fill 30% of your plate with proteins and 70% or more with a mix of raw and cooked vegetables. One easy way to ensure you're hitting this mark is by adding a side salad to meals with sliced raw cucumbers, peppers, or tomatoes - or simply adding slices of one of these ingredients to each dish.

Click here to learn more about different greens to add to your meals on Level 1.

Step 2: Serving Size

In addition to measuring out nutritional portions for the amount of food you consume, it is also important to focus on controlling the size of servings. It is recommended that you measure out reasonable serving sizes to ensure you are not overeating at each meal. When preparing meals at home, use a kitchen scale or measuring cups to portion out reasonable amounts of food.

Step 3: Eat Mindfully

Finally, to truly get the most out of your meal, it is important to eat mindfully and take your time to enjoy the experience. Regularly eating too quickly can cause you to overeat and make it harder to enjoy the flavors of your food. Cultivating awareness of your internal and external environment while eating can help you to connect with your food and recognize satiety signals - helping you to better identify when you are full.


By following these simple guidelines, you can make mindful, healthy eating part of your daily routine. While looking to start eating healthier and being able to maintain this diet change, following these tips can help you to get the most out of your meals so you can live your best life.

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