The 3 types of stress are pretty clear, right? Every day, we are all exposed to varying amounts of mental, toxic, and physical stress. Each one of these may cause harm, but they also work together and can destroy our health.
Inter-stress Connection #1
Mental Stress Causes Toxic & Physical Stress
You are stressed from a long day. Do you go in the fridge and make something healthy? How can you when the mental stress from work causes intense cravings for low-quality foods? These salty, sugary, processed options put tremendous toxic stress on the body. Mental stress depletes energy in the body, but low-quality foods don’t put it back. As a result, you are too exhausted to exercise after dinner and you curl up on the couch Meanwhile, the toxic food you just ate is turning into fat, and lack of exercise puts physical stress on the body. The stressed state that your body is in prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. As the pounds increase, frustration leads to mental stress, causing the release of cortisol and more weight gain. Physical stress increases manifesting itself in the form of pain and the cycle continues….
This inter-stress relationship creates a downward spiral of bad health. Here are a few more examples of how mental stress leads to physical and toxic stress.
• Mental stress causes the release of adrenaline and cortisol, which uses up sugars within the body.
• This brings on intense cravings, causing individuals to eat poor quality, high sugar, processed foods with multiple additives. (toxic stress)
• These foods are deficient in important nutrients that the body needs to function. (physical stress)
• Depleted adrenal glands cause low energy levels and fatigue, leading to inactivity. (physical stress)
• Both poor quality foods and inactivity cause weight gain, opening the individual up to various structural and disease-related issues. (physical stress)
• Extended periods of mental stress causes the body to produce harmful toxic reactions that reduce immune function and promote disease. (toxic stress)
• Stress causes shallow breathing which leads to low oxygenation in the body, raising the risk for disease. (toxic & physical stress)
• The liver needs sugar to regenerate at 3 am. Mental stress depletes sugar in the body, forcing it to secrete another form of energy, adrenaline, waking the person up. (physical stress)
• Sleepless nights cause a lack of energy, imbalances in the body, and more mental stress. (physical & mental stress)
• Constant mental drain can lead to the use of prescription medications. (toxic stress)
• Mental stress increases the risk of accidents. (physical stress)
• Stress also inhibits digestion and leads to lower production of HCL in the stomach, which leads to a host of health issues including disease, increased anxiety, and poor bone density. (mental & physical stress)
*These are just a few of the infinite possibilities about how, before
long, your body can be subject to a full-on attack of mental/emotional, toxic, and physical stress.
Toxic Stress Causes Mental & Physical Stress
The toxic stress from your simple carbs and sugar intake has created a fungal overgrowth called Candida. Candida causes constant cravings for bread, pasta, pizza, and/or sweets. Unable to avoid these, you gain weight causing physical stress on your body. The excess belly fat causes lower self-‐esteem, marital problems (low sex drive), and mental stress. Trying to avoid these foods and exercising only makes the cravings stronger, so you try toxic low-calorie sweeteners which don’t work and the cycle continues…
This inter-stress relationship creates a downward spiral of bad health. Here are a few more examples of how toxic stress leads to physical and mental stress.
•Caffeine stimulates adrenaline production, taxing the adrenal glands and sending people into the mental spiral outlined earlier. (physical & mental stress)
• Endocrine-disrupting toxins from plastic and aluminum production alter hormone activity, causing emotional issues, mood swings, weight gain, cancer, and other hazards. (mental& physical stress)
• Birth control pills change a woman’s typical hormone cycle causing negative emotional responses. Some side effects include mood changes, weight gain, pain, headaches, and eye problems. (physical & mental stress)
• According to WebMD estrogen/progestin therapy may contribute to breast cancer. These are the same two hormones found in birth control pills. (physical stress)
• An Environmental Working Group study of 20 million drinking water tests found hundreds of toxins in American tap water. These are mostly unregulated and include everything from Fluoride to prescription medications and agriculture toxins. (mental & physical stress)
• Fluoride is a halide known to cause bone, brain, thyroid gland, and kidney issues. It is found in toothpaste, drinking water, and other sources. (physical stress)
• Every day we are exposed to pesticides, prescription medications, food dyes, shampoo additives, deodorant ingredients, preservatives, and many of the other 84,000 chemicals in use today These chemicals build up in our tissues over time and the effects of this accumulation have never really been studied. (mental & physical stress)
*These are just a few infinite possibilities about how, before long, your body can be subject to a full-on attack of mental/emotional, toxic, and physical stress.
Physical Stress Causes Mental & Toxic Stress
A few extra pounds put lots of physical stress on your body. Just think about carrying around a 20-pound weight all day! As diets fail and the scale goes up, year after year, the helplessness makes you mentally stressed. Your sleep suffers and now you are too tired to cook meals, so you and your family turn to pre-made, toxic foods. The doctor adds some toxic stress with the new medications she puts you on and tells you that you need to exercise. After a few weeks of killing yourself in the gym, the physical stress causes you to develop a hairline fracture and you are unable to continue. The constant pain and feelings of defeat cause daily mental stress and the cycle continues…
This inter-stress relationship creates a downward spiral of bad health. Here are a few more examples of how physical stress leads to mental and toxic stress.
• Physical stresses like, injuries and illnesses are in the top 5 causes of mental stress.
• Pain causes mental & emotional stress.
• Pain often makes it difficult to sleep, causing fatigue, depression, and other mental stress.
• Physical stress can lead to weight gain. (physical stress)
• Overweight people tend to be less confident, suffer more discrimination, and have far more sick days and medical problems than a person whose weight is within normal range. (mental stress)
• Medications (prescription or over-the-counter) used to deal with pain and other physical stress are toxic and often dangerous. (toxic stress)
• A stressed liver, from being overweight or exposure to medications, is less available to deal with the removal of fat and other toxins in the system. (toxic stress)
• Physical stress causes the body to compensate for the stressed area, causing other areas to become physically stressed. (physical stress)
• Stress also inhibits digestion and leads to lower production of HCL in the stomach, which leads to a host of health issues including disease, increased anxiety, and poor bone density. (mental & physical stress)
*These are just a few infinite possibilities about how, before long, your body can be subject to a full-on attack of mental/emotional, toxic, and physical stress.
We have seen a number of symptoms associated with the different types of stress. Just as each type promotes others, many of the symptoms are shared as well but one is the most common.