Gas from Eating Cruciferous Vegetables
Painful gas can be a common side effect of eating cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, which are known for their nutritional benefits. These vegetables contain complex sugars, called raffinose, that can't be digested by the human body and produce gas as they pass through the digestive system. Furthermore, they are rich in soluble fiber which is not broken down until it makes it to the small intestine, also contributing to painful gas.
Knowing the Problem is Half the Battle
Understanding the cause of the symptoms is extremely helpful in treating them. Don't let that gas stop you from eating the delicious and nutrient-dense cruciferous vegetables your body needs! Taking probiotics and natural digestive enzymes can help to reduce symptoms. Additionally, Beano is a great additive that can be taken with vegetables to further assist with digestion. Don't give up on those nutritious choices. Be sure to take your probiotics and enzymes to help relieve symptoms and if needed, adding in Beano, can further assist digestion.